Kinderzimmer - Completely customize the nursery - if boy and girl to share a room

Completely customize the nursery – you want to set up a large room for your boys and your girls?

Your children are happy with their room decoration or you get the idea to make completely new children? Here you will find a wide range of equipment room for your boys and your girls when they have to share a nursery. Bright colors and playful space saving solutions – designed to inspire and develop creative. To make a completely perfect nursery is a great challenge, which is further reinforced in children of different sexes, even with children of the same sex. We want to help you with these great decorating ideas for this specific task. If the son is the same age, the solution is obviously easier. Then you can insert patterns and themes in the institutions, which are neutral. But when children grow, the role of age and children more completely customize, is much more difficult. Exposure

Could it be that the sky ceiling decorated something for your children?

Completely customize the nursery - if boy and girl to share a room

The beds are very creative with a pattern of separate house for more privacy

Completely customize the nursery - if boy and girl to share a room Each child has its own character and interests and therefore would be the best idea to divide the room into three. A private party for each child and a common space where children could play together. Particularly important are the beds. You are an area of ​​refuge, where each child has his or her privacy, as required. Decorate beds by gender and interests of the child. Boys often prefer sports grounds, or favorite cartoon characters. Chicks Dig The princesses and stuffed animals. Do not stay alone with these pictures, but you feel the belief and settings of your children and choose the best rooms for the pink and blue are combined very fresh orange and yellow -. Insomnia
Completely customize the nursery - if boy and girl to share a room The children shared a table with playground and sports facilities Completely customize the nursery - if boy and girl to share a room Storage space is always a problem in itself. Make sure each child has enough space for clothes and personal effects. If the room has a large wardrobe is, then divide it into two. On the other hand, closets and under the bed storage space, perfect alternative. If boys and girls must share the same room, is not so easy to achieve the aesthetic end of the device with different interests. An old trick that is cheap color. Choose a color that appeals to both children and decorate. Or focus on two main colors and try to create a balance between the two. In all cases you give the task to the complete pleasure and joy nursery and prepare your little one will be very grateful and happy. Here we see clearly where the boy and girl sitting and daughter, right? Completely customize the nursery - if boy and girl to share a room A joint office with floating shelf is not a bad idea Completely customize the nursery - if boy and girl to share a room Flowers remain the undisputed role models for girls Completely customize the nursery - if boy and girl to share a room Canary and lemon yellow – light neutral color, gender Completely customize the nursery - if boy and girl to share a room Magical and colorful Completely customize the nursery - if boy and girl to share a room Here we see clearly the different interests of children Completely customize the nursery - if boy and girl to share a room Neutral background was decorated uniformly Completely customize the nursery - if boy and girl to share a room Rustic comfort for your children Completely customize the nursery - if boy and girl to share a room A bunk bed is often the right solution Completely customize the nursery - if boy and girl to share a room Lime Green and Orange – vibrant and radiant Completely customize the nursery - if boy and girl to share a room Both beds are discreetly separated by the office Completely customize the nursery - if boy and girl to share a room Oval wall with open shelf Completely customize the nursery - if boy and girl to share a room Spacious room with open kitchen Completely customize the nursery - if boy and girl to share a room An eclectic retro design Completely customize the nursery - if boy and girl to share a room Bright colors for the mood Completely customize the nursery - if boy and girl to share a room A modern design and clean lines Completely customize the nursery - if boy and girl to share a room Unity in Diversity Completely customize the nursery - if boy and girl to share a room For young adventurers Completely customize the nursery - if boy and girl to share a room Plenty of storage and display your own panels Completely customize the nursery - if boy and girl to share a room Select funny, sea motifs Completely customize the nursery - if boy and girl to share a room